Roberto Veiga is a biologist and environmental manager, and has dedicated himself to social and environmental studies, focusing on settlements around the banks of the rivers that cut through Recife. He migrated to audiovisual arts with the goal of producing a documentary about the studies he had been conducting and he had his first role in the celebrated short film "Olhos de botão," directed by Marlom Meirelles, in
which Veiga acted as assistant director. He took part in other short films too, such as Caio Sales's "Os filmes que moram em mim," Luiza de Andrade's "À margem de nós mesmos" and Felipe Poroger's "Capitão Brasil", as well as the feature-length film and series "Um dia qualquer", directed by Pedro von Krüger (the film has not yet been released). Veiga dedicated himself to script writing, and "Volta Seca" is his first written project and his first time acting as director, with the help from the award Prêmio Estímulo ao Curta-metragem do Estado de São Paulo - PROAC). On top of this, Veiga is currently developing two other scripts, one of which tackles the contemporary inter social relationships in Recife and the other showing the process of Japanese immigration in São Paulo.