Fri. 09/11/2018 - 21:30

Fado Bicha

Fado Bicha is a musical project with an activist subtext. 'Bicha' is a slur in Portuguese for effeminate gay men and has also been co-opted to represent the concept of queer in an empowering way. Though its roots are non-conformist, Fado has become a very conservative musical genre nurtured by a traditionalist community. This new musical project reclaims Fado as a tool of expression to narrate the queer stories and struggles that have never been celebrated in this iconic music from Portugal.

Fado Bicha ('bicha' is a slur in Portuguese for an effeminate man) is a new musical project that looks to reclaim Fado - what is now a very conservative genre - as an instrument to narrate the queer stories and struggles that have never been celebrated in this iconic musical genre from Portugal.

Practical information


Rue A. Orts 20-28

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