A mon seul désir

My sole desire

A mon seul désir
vo: fr
sub: en


Following the first steps of a college student as a stripper who is drawn into the world of erotic cabaret by an invisible force, Lucie Borleteau, creates a French version of Showgirls that leaves behind the grim fairytale, outrageous obscenity and the flesh-eating law of money for money's sake. Instead of a wild carnival, it is a love story between two dancers who feel at home in this oasis of female sociability. The first (Louise Chevillotte), driven by curiosity and dreams of independence and self-exploration, sees no harm in occasionally going into prostitution from her job. The second (Zita Hanrot) dreams of becoming a great actress and is preparing to study at the Conservatoire. History will reveal that five years after #metoo, it was a director and actress in her 40s who took on the a priori seductive subject of stripping. She manages to question the liberation of women by showing strippers, often naked, thriving in their occupation.



